In Germany, I bought myself a present: 1 Teig, 100 Kuchen. (Apparently, it's also in English.) A friend suggested I blog through it!
1. I can't re-bake a recipe until I have tried every single one in the book.
2. I can't eat an entire cake by myself.
3. I do not have to bake every cake before I graduate. Don't even suggest it.
If you'd like any recipe, in German or an English translation, comment on the recipe or email me.
So here we go! Wir backen auf Deutsch!
Part I, Kiwikuchen: kiwi cake!
Part II, Schokolade-Rum-Torte: a chocolate rum cake.
Part III, Apfel-Cidre-Auflauf: an apple cider loaf cake.
Part IV, Halloween-Torte : a spice cake, decorated in marzipan bats. :)
Part V, Schokoladencremekuchen: chocolate cake with chocolate creme frosting.
Part VI, Ingwer Cupcakes: amazingly incredibly delicious ginger cupcakes. With candied ginger.
Part VII, Bienenkorb: a lemon honey cake, shaped like a beehive!
Part VIII, Karamellisierter Apfelkuchen: tasty caramelized apple cake.
Part IX, Kokos-Lamington: coconut chocolate bars.
Part X, Schmetterling-Cupcakes: basic vanilla cupcakes, decorated to look like butterflies.
Part XI, Mokka-Cupcakes: a brown sugar and coffee delight.