Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pictures for Germany, Part I

Here are pictures to go with this post!

August 4th

This was my first view of Germany!! (To my knowledge; first view after checking the flight map.)

I was super excited to be in the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, even in my unkempt state:
Exhausted and exhilarated to be in Berlin!

We ate our surprisingly good Thai food outside, because it was such a pleasantly warm day. From the train station, we could see the parliamentary buildings, the Reichstag (capitol building), and...the Statue of Liberty?
Statue of Liberty (?!) and Reichstag

From the train, I took tons of pictures of the beautiful countryside. Here are my favorites.

Leaving Berlin:
Leaving Berlin

We saw lots of windmills:
Wind farm!

And solar panel fields:
Solar panel farm!

Many little stations along the way had these beautiful old, slightly decrepit buildings:
Cool old building.

Wooden structure.

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