Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blogs I read

I have a new Backen auf Deutsch cake post all ready to go, but I forgot to take oooone picture which I need. So you'll get it another day. Tonight? Maybe.

Instead, here are blogs I enjoy reading. You might like them, too.

1. Eat the Damn Cake has wonderful commentary on society's views of health and beauty. She's also really funny, just got married, and was homeschooled (WOOHOO!).

2. Ministry so Fabulous is by a gal who ran a successful ministry mentoring to all ages of young girls a few years back, but now writes about her life as a single, 26-year-old woman following Jesus (I can relate) and partially raising five young girls, ages 3-8 (I cannot relate). She is hilarious and insightful and posts darn cute pictures of those girlies.

3. EPBOT is by a girly geeky chick who is into DIY projects about her house, making jewelry, and attending nerd conventions. She's pretty rad. I kind of want to be her. She and her husband also do Cake Wrecks.

4. Runner Dude posts workouts, race reports, gear reviews, and runner-friendly recipes!

5. Joy the Baker posts delicious recipes and much, much more beautiful pictures of food than I do. OMG go bake everything she posts.

6. Hyperbole and a Half is AMAZING. Her comics are too funny, and the MS Paint drawings with which she illustrates the comics are genius. I particularly like this one alot. Warning: she is not going to be appreciated by all of my readers. I apologize if you do not appreciate her.

This is really just a sampling. I read a lot of blogs.

Do you have any suggested reading for me?

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