Sunday, July 5, 2009

Travel Log, June 9, 2009

Today was both really, really good, and kind of sad. I've been fairly emotional. The AZ team's leaving in the morning, so we all prayed with them at lunch. I will really miss them. Beth put it perfectly--usually one does not like EVERYone in the group; we ALL clicked and I've been so blessed by each one. Russ and Rick are amazing leaders. Callie is a sweet and earnest 16-year-old gal. Sandy is down to earth and cheery, yet sarcastic and hilarious, AND runs marathons (including the Disney Marathon!). Susanna is an amazing 19-year-old mechanical engineering student with a passion for Jesus and people, and we got to bond with her over homeschooling. ;) Sarah is one of the most selfless people I've met--and inspiring in her attitude toward perpetual singleness! WOOHOO! No one is good enough to match her zeal and stubbornness in things of the Lord and life. That's it. God will (or won't) bring someone in His timing. I want Sarah's attitude!

We will miss them.

Getting out of bed is getting HARDER. But devotions after a gulp of coffee and some hardboiled eggs--getting easier! And work? Almost TOTALLY great! Ha!

(Written on June 10, 2009)

Man, today [the 10th, for those of you keeping track] has been hard. It was hot and bright at work, the AZ team left this morning (so we're all sad), the ids at home have been horrifyingly loud and whiny, Amy's and my allergies are waaay bad so we took Sudafed and are foggy, and Beth's strangely exhausted. I had to leave the salon with the loud, too chipper, or too down people for the beautiful, cool porch and my iPod and Bible. Tomorrow we are reading Acts 1 and 2 with Dick and Dee. This speaks to me:

Acts 2:25-28
"David said about [God]:
I saw the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of Life. You will fill me with joy in your presence."

So...yesterday [ahem, June 9], our last day with AZ, we started digging a septic tank, carried and fetched loads and loads of bricks, enjoyed tea and lunch, and laughs with the boys, and I rode DONKEY. I had to be able to say I did. I did. It was fine. Yes. Done.

I rode DONKEY!!
Susanna picks at the septic tank while Russ and Sandy supervise:
Susanna picks with supervision from Russ and Sandy
We're puttin' up a second wall!
They're puttin' up the second wall!
The ladies currently live in that house across the valley with their brother and mother:
It's comin'!
Rick picks:
Rick picks.
We be tired.
We love this hill:
We know that hill so well.
Sarah, the mama, Fayeeda, Hanan, and Susanna:
Sarah, the mama, Fayeeda, Hanan, Susanna
GROUP PICTURE!! AZ, us, and the boys:
The boys, the AZ team, and us!
We rode in the back of the truck home. I miss the drive:

The AZ ladies visited town for henna and a last shopping trip, while we chilled at home. So drained. Beth, Amy, Joey, and I had a fab homeschool reminiscence. We were all in homeschool soccer and band and know tons of the same people. We were mocked by Russ and Dani, but that's fine. ;)

The excitement of the night was J's presence at dinner. B, S, and S and W's younger sisters came, too, but ate out of view of J, the single male. Interesting. After dinner, we heard his and B's testimonies. Again, pretty cool. J is the sole provider for his mom and SEVEN sisters, and B is a totally awesome gangsta dude.

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