Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Belated Father's Day!

As I was away this weekend, I didn't have a chance to pay tribute to my daddy on the blog actually on Father's Day. (Though I did call him!)

My dad is a wonderful father: he's always loved and supported me, worked hard as an engineer for the Navy to provide for us, and taught us about Jesus. He taught us the practice of not blindly accepting doctrine, but checking it against the Bible. He helped Mom homeschool us, especially highschool math--and wouldn't let me ever say, "I hate math" during my temper-tantrum, math-disliking years (I finally fell in love with math at algebra). He can sing almost every song on the oldies station. He's a terrific mixture of serious and goofball.

He instilled in us the importance of maps:
A Family Classic

He loves Don Quixote and Sancho Panza:
Dad, Don Quixote, and Sancho Panza

He does hardcore things like build houses in Morocco:
Dad was hardcore!

He loves animals, including Farad:
Daddy bonds with Farad

And Daddy really loves Mommy:

Thanks for being so terrific, Dad! Love you!

P.S. Dad and Mom signed up to walk the Seattle Half Marathon in November, the day before their 30th wedding anniversary! They were inspired by the expo last year, when they realized this race has entire official walking divisions for the half and full. They're training seriously and doing fantastically! :D

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